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Showing posts from 2012

My Favorit month (Day 18 - 43)

At the end of the month I disliked the Favorit bike. The reason: I got '8' on my rear wheel. The guy who has sold me this bike also told me that it has very good rims made of dural and they will last forever. Well it took only two weeks till it got broken. After the holiday in Italy I had to take this bike to bike service in Vienna (recommend!) where I paid 41€ for a new-old wheel and also rear cassette. Because of a difference between the old and new-old system - whole bike was very loud while I was pedaling. At that time I was not very happy about this bike. And few days after the service - I got flat tire! So last week I have bought a new tube, I have fixed the brakes and used WD40 for the chain and now it works perfectly! Riding my city bike to work and back and also anywhere in the city makes a pleasure that this bike should provide. I like the Favorit bike again. And it is not just month anymore :-).

My Favorit month (Day 6 - 17)

Last week I survived with Favorit bike strong wind and rain. I mean real and very dense rain and quite strong wind. On Friday (the 13th), I took my broken MacBook to a service in 2. district in the morning and then I went to work. It was raining the whole time with some wind from time to time. Mudguards did their job well - I recommend to have them in the city. My clothes were wet but not dirty. I had no special gear - only my Windstopper jacket. Helmet helpded a bit. Some problems occured with my jeans but they became dry after a while at work. I thought that the rain and bike is not very good combinationin the city in the morning but it was OK after all. Actually it was quite refreshing :-).

Higgs Boson Party failed!

Gestern hat CERN etwas Besonderes angekündigt: Higgs within reach: Our understanding of the universe is about to change… Ich hatte eine Idee - eine Higgs Boson Party zu Hause zu machen. Ich kam nach Hause vor 18:00 Uhr und der Plan sah so aus: 1) Bier kaufen 2) Bier trinken 3) Video über Higgs Boson schauen - Was ist eigentlich das Higgs Boson? 4) Bier trinken 5) Diskussion über - Die Perzeption der Gravitation nach Entdeckung des Higgs Bosons 6) Bier trinken 7) Diskussion über - Was jetzt mit dem All? 8) Bier trinken 9) Diskussion über - Mein Leben nach dem vierten Juli 2012 10) Bier trinken ... Salim und Ich gingen in die Billa um Bier zu kaufen. Ich legte die Dosen in unseren Kühlschrank und wartete auf Salim und dann ... ... war ich so müde, dass ich um 20:30 eingeschlafen bin. Erst heute Morgen um 7:00 bin ich aufgewacht! Die Higgs Boson Party hat nicht stattgefunden ...

My Favorit month (Day 3 - 5)

I tried two tracks to get to work with Favorit bike. On Monday I took my usual track, on Tuesday slightly different and bit shorter (through Schottentor & Altes AKH). Monday: Distance: 6.34 km Duration 22:21 min Avg speed: 17.0 kmph Max speed 25.9 kmph Tuesday: Distance: 6.20 km Duration 22:43 min Avg speed: 16.4 kmph Max speed 28.0 kmph More safe and fluent is the 'Monday' track, so I am going to stick with that one. And I like my Favorit bike more with every day!

My Favorit month (Day 1 - 2)

Sunday, 1st July. I woke up at 10:00. Since my last city-shity bike has been stolen, I needed some bike for transportation in the city. Good offer in Linz didn't happen, so I took iPad and searched for some city bike in Slovakia that morning. Found one! But in Piešťany - 70 km away! The temperature outside was around 35°C at noon so I waited a little bit. During that time I just wrote the message on facebook - who would like to travel with me to Piešťany? I was so suprised when several people wanted to have a transport to or from Piešťany! I didn't travel alone at all. It was great trip. Actually I have earned some money. At 6 pm I was at Tesco in Piešťany where the guy who was selling the bike came. He really knew a lot about bikes. He was a bike racer some years ago. I have bought old Czechoslovak Favorit bike from the 80's from him (59€). I liked that bike on the first sight. Was in good condiion, I took a test ride in the parking area and loaded in the car. When ...

Podobizeň o slnečnicovom poli

Vyzerá chaosne, ale keď sa podívaš z dobrého uhla tak uzrieš ten poriadok. Táto podobizeň vznikla pri Slnečných jazerách pri Senci a podieľali sa na nej Hanka, Milan, Roman a ja.


"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams ... and this also holds true:

Diablo 3 on MacBook Pro 2007

Wondering if Diablo 3 will run on your older (and still very good) MacBook Pro 2007? I have created a video for you:   Later I have lowered the resolution to 1024x640 (16:10 aspect ratio). Still very good resolution. Similar to Diablo 2! But in 3D environment :-)