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Komix IV

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Vták - ver. 0.3

Prozaické dielo Vták, nie je len o vtákoch. Je aj o niečom inom. Po večeroch som ho spolu s MB písal cez icq, podobnou technikou ako aj naše básničky, teda primerane sme sa striedali po vetách. Bolo to v roku Pána 2005. Vták nemá oficiálne ukončenie a stále sa v texte hľadajú chyby. Pôvodná forma bola upravená do čitateľnejšej formy a bola pridaná aj diakritika. Pre hardcore fanúšíkov tejto poviedky je tu aj  originál . PART ONE Malý lesklý chrobák sa skotúľal z kamienka nevinne ležiaceho pred vchodom domu. Na tom dome, by nebolo nič zvláštne, starý drevenný dom s červenou strechou. Kde tu diera od kamenov, ktoré doňho hádzali malí chlapci, kde tu kameň, ktorý nespravil dieru. Vlastne, dom ktorý by ste určite bez milosti prehliadli idúc okolo. Nebyť nápadneho zeleného vtáka pribitého na dverách. Jeho krv stekala po dverách pred pár dňami a zápach suchej krvi bol cítiť na metre ďaleko. Napriek tomu, ak ste sa lepšie započúvali, ak ste sa odpútali od pozemských starostí, mohli ste ...

Good morning ISS!

I set my alarm clock to 2-3 am to spot the ISS three mornings in a row this week. Today was the day when morning sky looked good and most importantly - I had the mood to get out of the bed. I prepared Canon 350D with remote controller some days ago. The tripod is from my small astro-telescope . The email from said this: Time: Fri May 23 4:15 AM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 66 degrees, Appears: W, Disappears: NE My location was the road between Bratislava and Kittsee. There I aimed the camera somewhere to the sky. With 18 mm lens (Canon EF-S 18-55mm, f/3.5-5.6) I was not afraid that I miss the flyby of the station. I took some testing shots just to be sure. The sky was quite bright around 4 am therefore I set ISO to 100. The lens focusing was set to manual mode. I couldn't see the station exactly at 4:15 most probably because of the morning haze. Suddenly it appeared and with full of joy and excitement I pressed the shutter wit...

Texture elimination from scanned photo

Recently I needed to scan quite old photography that was aimed to be published in one local newspaper. I wanted the best quality with dpi around 300. Unfortunately it had this very old-fashioned texture on the top that makes it difficult to scan it properly. The texture will be still there and ruin the result quality. After some googling about moiré patterns and fast fourier transforms (FFT, it is also used in MRI ) I found this very helpful discussion: - especially the point about FFT. Here is the technique with FFT: Download the ImageJ software Select the part of the image with pattern (e.g. somewhere in the corner). The idea is to see just the pattern. Apply FFT on the selected image pattern and notice how does it look like in the frequency space. Apply FFT on the whole image and find the pattern that was present on the selected image after FFT. ...

Ski touring in Silvretta from T1DM + CGM point of view

List of abbreviations: T1DM - Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus CGM - Continuous Glucose Monitoring When I come home from a ski tour, my parents always ask - how was the trip? My usual answer is - good, we have survived. This time we have survived the ski touring in Switzerland. As for me, I really mean survived. Lukas has already published nice and simple travel article on his blog - Ski touring in Silvretta . Therefore I do not want to write much about the tour itself. I would like to focus more on my blood sugar monitoring during our physical activity in the Alps. Preparations of the sensor and insulin pump I am using Medtronic Paradigm insulin pump with Apidra insulin analogue . After I shaved and cleaned the skin, I placed the sensor little bit over my right hip to avoid the a proximate contact with my ski pants (left image). The sensor fortunately paired with the pump and from that moment on I got 6 days of continuous blood sugar monitoring. Day 1 - 27.3.2014: Tour to C...

Web Site Story -

História O tom ako vznikla prvá webová stránka Diadoru veľa neviem. No podľa jednej pradávnej legendy bola stránka Diadoru - , prvá webstránka o diabete na Slovensku. Videl som verziu približne z roku 2004. V čase, keď som sa stal členom Diadoru spolu s diagnózou DMT1 (október, 2004). Bola to taká bielo-modrá jednoduchá stránka so z ákladnými informáciami . Pamätám sa, že tam fungovalo fórum a to bolo v tej dobe bez spoločenských sietí dosť populárne a dali sa tam nájsť užitočné informácie. Neskôr vznikla novša verzia, (asi okolo roku 2009?). Tá bola už navrhnutá cez redakčný systém (CMS) joomla 1.7, ktorý mal potenciál, aby stránka mohla rásť ďalej. Dizajn stránky bol tiež na dobrej úrovni. Bohužiaľ ho asi málo ľudí dokázalo využiť, pretože sa stránka vyvíjala veľmi pomnaly. Jessy mi ponúkla spravovať galériu a rýchlo som zistil, že je v tom systéme neporiadok. Vtedy som prvý raz videl systém joomla aj z pohľadu administrátora. Dosť vecí tam nefungovalo. Nahra...

Center of high field MR

The Center of high field MR is located inside the AKH/Medical University complex in the 9th District, Vienna, Austria:   If you want to participate in MRI studies, you should consider those criteria prior to scanning: All metal MUST be removed from your body, especially eyeglasses, wristwatches, jewelry, and shirts with metal fasteners near your head (e.g., zippers). All body piercings MUST be able to be removed. Must NOT be claustrophobic or have a history of claustrophobia. Tattoos are generally not exclusionary, unless they have been inked with metallic dyes. NO pacemakers, insulin pumps, etc. For another MRI check list visit e.g. this  UCSF web page .

Medtronic Carelink Personal Website on Mac

I have the insulin pump from Medtronic. It has a very nice feature which can transfer your data from the pump (e.g. blood glucose readings). I used my MacBook for this transfer until Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks came out. After the update I got this message: Therefore now I use VirtualBox with Windows to get my data from the pump to the Carelink website with Carelink USB. Anyway I waited few months. But after almost 6 months nothing changed so I wrote to Medtronic on Facebook. Why Facebook? Because I couldn't find their e-mail anywhere. So if you are interested read further. This is our Facebook correspondence: Martin: Well Medtronic Diabetes, I am still quite unhappy about this website: . As a Mac user I cannot proceed further because I have the Mac OS X 10.9 and latest supported version is Mac OS X 10.8. Mac OS X 10.9 was released on 22nd October 2013. Since then I have to upload the data from my insulin pump through virtual machine with Windows XP. I us...

Bratislava - Neusiedl am See

Ak sa chcete vydať na dlhšiu jazdu na bicykli a nechcete sa nudiť len výhľadmi a bezstarostnou jazdou, treba spraviť jednu dôležitú vec: nezobrať si žiadnu náhradnú dušu, pumpu, lepidlo a iné nástroje na opravu bicykla. Po 5 hodinovom spánku som spontánne vyrazil do Neusield am See. Cesta je veľmi dobre značená a niektoré časti som už prešiel tak som nepotreboval nič plánovať. Nabil som akurát iPhone, vzal veci na prežitie, jedlo a nastavil bazál pumpy na 20%. Po cca 30. km som pri diaľnici A4 schádzal z nadjazdu a počas obzerania okolia som prudko nadskočil. Obzrel som sa dozadu a na ceste bol len jeden (1!) kamienok. O pár nato sekúnd bolo už predné koleso mäkké. Hodil som bicykel do poľa a potichu som si vyčítal, že si nikdy so sebou neberiem veci na opravu defektu. Toto bol mimochodom prvý defekt na mojom cestnom bicykli. Prešiel som dovtedy túto trasu: Podľa mapy som bol len pár kilometrov od Weiden ...

Astrophoto-experiment: the Moon

I performed my first astro-photo experiment from the comfort of my flat. The moon was in a good constelation with my balcony so I basically needed only to open the window. I used quite old 60 mm refracting telescope Konustart 700: The detector was my old DLSR Canon 350D with a T-mount from . I controlled the shutter remotely with B.I.G MC-C1: All put together and aimed on the moon: I set manual mode, IOSO 400 and shutter speed around 1/160 s. And this is my best shot - processed in iPhoto only, 1 average. I think it is quite far from good. I think the problem was a heat conduction between the outside world and my room. This can cause blur and geometry distortion. Also I still have problems with focusing. It is not so easy even with the bright object like the moon.

Jailbreaking and unlocking iPhone 3GS

On Monday I have bought the iPhone 3GS. According to the offer it should be unlocked. According to the pretty girl, that was selling me the phone, too. Well accoding to the iPhone itself - not that quite. I tried two SIM cards before buying it but the activation failed and even not-inserted SIM card was not recognized. Because I had no experience I thought it needs to be connected to the iTunes and some updates or restore should be performed prior to activation. So I have bought it and took home. I did the update in the evening and still the same. My SIM card was not active. I got No service all the time. The girls had perhaps jailbreak on her phone even without knowing it. She just didn't know anything. And that was the problem. So next whole day - literally whole day - I was trying to jailbreak and unlock the iPhone 3GS. In order to see if other iOS can be installed and find out what actually the problem is. The motivation was to activate the iPhone without the SIM card. ...

Neuschwanstein 3D Puzz

Neviem už ani prečo, no v roku 2011 som mal pocit, že sa moja rodina nudí a tak som mojej mame a sestre na meniny kúpil 3D puzzle. Netušil som, že tento hrad patrí k tým najťažším stavebniciam. Veková skupina bola 12+ a podľa toho by sme to predsa mali dať.  Našiel som ho v second-hande  Carl a  vo Viedni a preto som dúfal, že nebudú chýbať žiadne diely. Začali sme v lete, písal sa dátum 11.9.2011. Prvý stavbársky tým bol zložený z mamy, sestry, Mati a mňa. Po nejakej chvíli bolo jasné, že stavba bude asi pokračovať bez príslušníkov mojej rodiny. Asi patrím k trpezlivejším jedincom. Po pár víkendoch sme dokázali spraviť prednú bránu a strechu. Keďže sa stavby neskôr okrem mňa nikto nechytal, odložil som ju na čas do izby. To som vtedy netušil, že ten čas bude znamenať asi 2,5 roka. Zlom nastal 2.3.2014, keď sa k stavbe dobrovoľne pridali Anička, Veronika a Ondrej. Pár hodín ticha, občas rozhovor - to bola Saturday night puzzle party. Ideálny v...

AKG K 420 earpads replacement

I couldn't find any relevant source for changing the earpads for my favorite mini headphones  AKG K 420  on the web. So I decided to give a short guide how I have done it. I have bought this non-genuine earpad replacement in Media Markt (Vienna) - PUNEX Ersatz Schaumkissen. The size (big) I estimated in the shop and it seems sufficient. 0. Motivation.   For comparison - old and the replaced new one: 1. I took the old earpad off. You can see the gap around the earpad. I didn't want to dismantle it further. 2. Just with my bear hand I put a new earpad on the headphone. 3. But then it looked like this. The earpad didn't fit tightly. 4. So my trick was to use some sharp and very thin knife. I pressed carefully the edge of the earpad inside the gap all around the headphone. And that's that. Happy listening.