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Our special weekend in Cape Cod

The destination of our camping trip location was long unknown, but then we decided to go to Massachusetts, a state that impressed us quite a lot last time while traveling to Maine. It is still warm in late September in the Northeast and, we wanted to be close to a sea. We picked Cape Cod.

After late night celebrations of Mia’s birthday on Thursday and not that long sleep due to a very early online workshop organized by Mia, we started packing. This time we decided to pack food only for traveling to Cape Cod. The rest we will buy in stores or we will dine in local restaurants. Mia prepared delicious gluten free bagels (from Aldi), carrots and tea for the road.

We took our Jeep on the I-95 and after two hours of driving or so we made a break in Rocky Neck State Park in Connecticut. It was a unexpectedly very nice and serene place.

We hit the highway I-95 until Providence in Rhode Island and then switched to I-195. We arrived to Bay View Campground around sunset and built our tent right away. For our first dinner in Cape Cod, we went to a nice casual restaurant Chart Room next to the Kingman Yacht Center, ~15 minutes drive from the camp.

Plans for Saturday: find a delicious breakfast spot, get a ferry to Matha’s Vineyard, enjoy ourselves on the island and find a nice place for dinner.

Our neighbors in the camp thought that it is OK to talk loudly and listen to their music at 3AM. We did not share their opinion, but we were simply so tired to do anything about it, and we somehow slept through the night.

Many breakfast spots were closed although google maps showed us they should be open. But, we found a gem. It was called Persy’s Place in Falmouth ( Since we came early, almost nobody was there and our breakfasts were served fast. It was one of the best breakfast we ever had!

We drove to Woods Hole to catch a ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. As soon as we arrived, the ferry left the harbor and we were told that we need to drive to a parking lot anyway. The parking lot was actually next to our breakfast spot. Who knew!

Shuttle buses operated between the harbor and parking lots. We took a shuttle bus and waited for the ferry.

After a 45 minutes long boat cruise, we reached Oak Bluffs. Right after we jumped off the boat, we jumped on bikes. Next to the Port Authority is a bike rental called: All Star Martha's Vineyard Bike Rentals. Highly recommended!

Our destination was a beach and so headed south to Edgartown. Without knowing that movie Jaws was filmed here, we biked right through the “Jaws bridge”.

Edgartown was a sweet little town but we were not interested in sweet little towns. We biked further and reached Katama / South Beach. Right as we stepped on the hot sand, we felt calmness and peacefulness all around. No wind, only the sound of crashing waves.

This was a special beach and we came at a special time. Because this was our birthday weekend, we made birthday cakes made of sand for each other.

We had great time on the beach and we decided to give this beach the award - the best beach of the year 2020”! On the way back to Oak Bluffs we visited a school in Edgartown. There we saw some grapevines, but still, no vineyards.

Right after we had delicious ice cream in Oak Bluffs (Mad Martha's Homemade Ice Cream), we realized that the next ferry departs from Vineyard Haven, a town next to Oak Bluffs. Mia called an Uber and we made it there on time.

Our dinner spot for Saturday evening was the Quarterdeck in Falmouth ( Good food, servers and atmosphere.

The task for the next morning was: where are we going to breakfast? Persy’s Place in Falmouth! Yes, again. It was that good and this time, we went big.

On our way home we stopped in Rhode Island, more specifically we drove through Ocean Drive Historic District in Newport. Beautiful drive and Newport seemed like an interesting place to visit in the future.

Almost home, but not quite. My colleagues recommended visiting Clinton Crossing Premium Outlets in Connecticut, so we did. Mia always wanted to buy khaki pants and a shirt for me and this was a perfect time to do so. Brooks Brothers store had plenty of clothes like that.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we could not use the fitting rooms in the store and therefore. I had to change several times in the parking lot, till we got the right sizes for me. At the end we got a great deal. We got hungry and we dined at Rocky's Aqua ( in the Clinton town dock.

It was a short but intense vacation. I think one of the best of the year.


  1. I'm jealous! And congraulations on the pants :)

    1. Mia got me also a shirt and I wore all the new clothes on my birthday. I have to say, I felt more important in those clothes.


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